Easy Rules
Turn any POJO into a business rule with a couple of annotations. No other language to learn, write your rules in Java, and fire them in Java. If you like Drools, you will love Easy Rules!
Learn more »Easy Batch
A lightweight alternative to the excellent Spring Batch framework. Easy Batch takes care of all the boilerplate code of reading, writing, filtering data and lets you focus on your application's logic
Learn more »Easy Flows
A small engine for small workflows. No complex notation or execution language to learn. All you need is 4 basic composable flows that are natural to understand and use to build powerful workflows.
Learn more »Easy States
State machines are easy to understand on a paper right? Just a bunch of states with transitions. Well, Easy States makes it easy with code as well!
Learn more »Easy Props
Don't look for properties, declare them on your objects and get them injected! Easy Props is a library that you control, not the other way around.
Learn more »Easy Random
A small library to generate random Java beans. With Easy Random, you are one instruction away from generating a whole random object graph of any type!
Learn more »Philosophy
Jeasy is a friend of Jodd, Jcabi and Apache commons.
Our philosophy is the same as these wonderful projects: keeping things simple, stupid, easy and straightforward.
We do strongly believe that having multiple small and focused tools that do one thing and do it well is better than having one big swiss-knife framework that does everything.
We aim at developing tools that are easy to learn and use. Our goal is not to compete with existing de-facto solutions, but to provide lightweight alternatives that would be sufficient in many cases.
We all know we should start small right? Well, Jeasy is here to help you start small!
Trusted by folks at
"I use this framework [Easy Batch] in production (and love it)"
chsFleury / @github
"Loving it [Easy Batch] so far. Making something I'm working on very simple"
zackehh_ / @twitter
"We are using [Easy Batch] and we love it :).. Thanks for the great work."
sothavirak / @github
"Thanks @easy_batch. You guys rock - especially your use of fluent interfaces in your APIs :-) #cleancode"
NorthConcepts / @twitter
"Thanks for all the updates related to Spring Batch. However, I have decided to use EasyBatch"
hashbrown / @stackoverflow
"Try EasyBatch. The simple stupid Batch framework. Try it once and use it forever."
Eddy Bayonne / @stackoverflow
"Thanks for this nice and useful framework! [Easy Batch]"
nfleury / @github
"just stumbled on this library [Easy Rules], this is really good work!"
simosentissi / @github
"I'm using [Easy Rules] for an IOT project at a fortune 10 company"
cogito-clarus / @github
"Thanks for [Easy Batch]. I like it a lot."
Kmouille / @github
"Easy Batch looks pretty interesting."
petrikainulaine / @twitter
"Easy Batch looks neat."
smelaatifi / @twitter
"I went through the documentation and was impressed with your easy, lightweight, pojo based engine."
jnsunkersett / @github
"I was writing some unit tests and found Easy Random, I think it's cool and make my life so much easier"
fyh / @github
"I recently discovered your library [Easy Random] and it's quite useful, thank you!"
Sir4ur0n / @github
About the logo
"Jeasy" stands for Java Easy. Its goal is to provide easy to use Java tools. The idea of the logo came from the "easy peasy lemon squeezy" expression. Since:
- Jeasy is about Java,
- and coffee is known for its benefits for health
- and lemon can be used as a natural remedy for migraine
- and we want you to enjoy your Java projects without headaches
hence a coffee lemon logo was a natural choice